Thursday, March 17, 2011

Documentary--Kashmir: Valley of Tears

Posted by: Jordyn Phelps

For a deeper understanding of the tensions between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, ranging from the historical situation to the contemporary political situation, watch this short excerpt of a documentary video, Kashmir: Valley of Tears by JourneyMan Pictures, a London-based independent documentary contributor.

While the documentary does a solid job in laying the contextual background for understanding the conflict's history, editorially, it is critical of India, pointing to alleged human rights violations and disappearances in Kashmir by the Indian government. There is one scene that is particularly emotionally charged when a Kashmiri mother and father are interviewed about their missing children. The couple believes the Indian government has disappeared their children. They heave from crying during the interview and the father asks, don't we have the right to know where our children are or at least to see their bodies if they are dead?

What are your thoughts on the documentary? Is the Indian government covering up human rights abuses in Kashmir? Whether yes or no, how are you affected by the comments offered by India's External Affairs Minister? Is the Indian government justified in its handling of the Kashmiri conflict or can it be improved? Remember, India is confronting the Lashkar e-Taiba insurgency group, which has allegedly orchestrated terrorist attacks on India. Please share your comments and join the conversation.

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